Truck Steps vs Running Boards. What’s the Difference?

So whats the difference between truck steps and running boards! Glad you asked! Well, they can both have many similarities to each other. Generally, running boards are flat in shape – pretty kinda plain jane, and truck steps are actual individual steps with specific places to put your feet. Below is an example of a running board as opposed to a truck step. Notice the relatively flat wide surface area to place your foot. This particular running board is long enough to incorporate both front and rear doors on this crew cab 4 door truck making it very easy for the driver and passenger to enter and exit the vehicle. Notice the rubber pads which give a non-split skid resistant surface, a good idea in wet or icey conditions.


Now we will talk a little more about truck steps. These are available either as one or two steps incorporated into on piece bolted to either side of the truck or they can have individual steps for driver and passengers. Example below. Notice the individual steps welded to the bar.


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